Jouran: The Princess of Snow and Blood


In 1931, the Tokugawa Shogunate remains in power, marking the 64th year of the Meiji era. Holding a monopoly over the newly discovered "Dragon Vein," the government is leading Japan toward an advanced Edo period. During this time, an elite force of executioners called "Nue" is tasked with defending the Shogunate from a rebel institution known as the "Kuchinawa."

As the owner of the Tsuyukasa Bookshop, Sawa Yukimura runs the store's day-to-day business inconspicuously. But behind the scenes, she seeks vengeance against the man who slaughtered her tribe and family. With a special ability to transform granted by her blue blood, Sawa joins Nue after being promised information regarding the target of her revenge: Janome, the leader of the Kuchinawa.

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擾乱メインテーマ is one of the BGM that I like the most. The song gives an ancient and tradition vibe. I have an image of a geisha walking on the street and everyone is throwing flower petals to welcome her and be amazed by her look. 

Link: 『擾乱』メインテーマ

処刑人の涙 is another BGM that I liked and would recommend.

Link: 処刑人の涙

Even the whole playlist of the OST I would recommend for you to listen. The link as below.


The setting of the story around the blue blood reminds me of a real-life organism – Horseshoe Crabs. The rareness of the blue blood is said to have curing abilities for some chronic cancer or disease. Hence, human has started to capture them and draws blood out of them then release them back to the nature. Some of them did not survive. I wonder if the writer gets the idea from here.

When I started watching the series, I couldn’t get used to the drawing style of the animation. The outlines of the figures are so dense and thick. I couldn’t grasp what exactly is going on and differentiate the image in front of me when this in mega fighting actions.  But worries not, as the series progress things started to become just as normal as any other anime. This is the first time ever I have seen this kind of drawings in anime. 

I always associated the characters of Hell Girl with the characters in this series. Perhaps because of the similarities in the protagonist of these two series.

In the beginning, there wasn’t any explanations nor description of the background of the story. Only till you have watched half the anime or near the final episode of the series to finally understand the storyline. 

It is also hard to make out what kind the relationship between the characters is and in addition with the confusing storyline, I might have already given up on this series if not for the plot twist and their Ost. That’s the thing to keep me hang on. The reverse story telling requires some patient to stay with the line.


All in all, the story is good though can be quite confusing at the time. Till now I don’t quite fully understand the story yet. I think might be a season 2 could do that. This series also have a manga series perhaps there are more detail in the book and could make things clearer. I hope there is a season 2 because the soundtrack used in the series is so good. Director or the writer can you hear me? XD 



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