The travelling cat chronicles

Nana is the cutest girl. She is also smart and aware of her talents. She has paws and purrs. Her father Satoru cannot take of her anymore and must give her up. He searches for someone to take care of Nana and begins visiting people who may be good candidates. As Nana and her father take trips in their car Satoru meets old friends, meets new friends and his own story unfurls in the process.
--------Quote from the website IMDb.

 Overall, I must say that this movie is very heartwarming and touching. From what I know this is a movie taken from a novel written by Hiro Arikawa which have the same name as the movie title.
Although I’m not a cat person I still find this movie very lovable. The protagonist of this movie is a cat name Nana who originally she is a stray cat on the street. Satoru who is the owner of the cat, Nana, is a cat lover addict. He met Nana when she is wandering around the apartment where Satoru lives knowing that he will always be there with cat food.

After that due to one car accident that Nana become a pet to Satoru. After some period of time, Satoru realizes that he could no longer capable of taking care Nana, therefore, he decided that Nana should be taken into a good hand.  Hence, this movie has a little go through a life story of Satoru and all the possible candidate for Nana caretaker. 

I’m always impressed with this type of movie as it is hard to incorporate an animal into the movie and asking the cat to act the way the director wanted to as normal human don’t speak cat language.

From my personal point of view, the harder part is how the director is going to film. Because cat or any animal doesn’t necessarily know how to portray the facial expression to present the emotion. Therefore it is important to pick a perfect angle to exactly portray the story and the atmosphere especially the one scene where the 2 cat has a little heart to heart conversation.

 The filter and the setting in this movie are more toward the warmer and colorful side. As if by doing so they could let the viewers know that this is not a sad story. As the viewers could actually feel the temperature of the movie which is the core of the story. 

The one scene that really left an impression on me is Satoru aunt is actually scared of the cat. When Nana rub herself against aunt’s leg, Satoru’s aunt screams and climbs onto the dining table. I couldn’t help myself but laugh very hard.

Anyway, I do not wish to make any spoiler of the movie here. I just wanted you all to know that this movie worth to watch as it is very heart touching and positive and optimistic. Those who really like the movie can also go and read the novel as I myself also anticipated to get myself one and add to my collection.


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